My friend (henry, who died a few years ago) was walking down the street holding plate of food and drinking from a cup. Because we know he had past my self and family were all emotional. We kept saying how he was just like he was when he was alive. He would say. " what's wrong with yall man, yall act like I'm going some where he crossed the street and came to give everyone a hug. By the time I got to him he had shrunk and when I hugged him I held him and just cried as he told me it was okay.
Dreams involving deceased loved ones often evoke strong emotions and can be rich in symbolism. In your dream, Henry's presence and actions carry several meanings:
Grief and Healing: The emotional reaction of you and your family suggests that there is still a process of grief taking place. Seeing Henry as he was in life may reflect your yearning for connection or unresolved feelings surrounding his death. The dream offers a space to process those emotions.
Reassurance and Acceptance: Henry telling you, "What's wrong with yall, man? Y’all act like I’m going somewhere" could symbolize the comfort and reassurance you wish to receive from him. His presence in your dream might suggest that he wants you to know he is at peace and that it is okay for you to move forward.
Transformation: The fact that Henry shrinks during the dream may represent the way memories of loved ones can change over time. As you engage with your memories, they may feel less imposing but still carry emotional weight. It could signify how you are processing his loss and how his presence feels smaller now but still impactful.
Emotional Support: Henry giving hugs could reflect the support, love, and comfort that he represented during his life. In your moment of vulnerability and tears, his reassurance signifies a longing for guidance or solace during challenging emotional times.
Connection to the Past: This dream takes you back to a time when things felt more stable and connected. It can serve as a reminder of the joy and love that still exists in your memories of him.
Overall, this dream appears to be a healing encounter, allowing you to express your grief and embrace the love you still hold for Henry. It's an acknowledgment of loss but also an invitation to accept the love and memories that remain.